

Saturday, October 4, 2014

cleaning dust!

It's been a while since I came here last time! I should definitely come here more often talk more about what is currently going on with my life.

At least glad to see that since the last time I came here, I have moved from being a Computer Sciences undergrad in the national university of Iran, to a graduate student in Cognition and Brain Sciences in the University of Victoria!

Hopefully, I'll come here more often from now on.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I am tired of looking for related articles for my BS Project !!!!
Why am i not able to find a good one ?!
where can i find sth really good about retina simulation !
:-< sigh .

Saturday, January 8, 2011


don't exactly know when it was .... but it was a two day workshop in Amirkabit University of Technology! a workshop about brain.... it was perfect and who knows how much i enjoyed it?!
the best thing about participating in the seminar was that most of the talks were about visual reception which is the main topic of my B.S. project.... i could have various things to think about and choose as an idea for my project to work on...
another good point was that apart from all good instructors that had a speech there, two of them were Arash Afraz and Maryam Vaziri who had come to Iran for a holiday i guess and the cognitive science group of Amir Kabir University take advantage of the opportunity and invited them to university.... i liked the workshop and of course the cake, juice and lunch part which were great :-p

Saturday, October 2, 2010


The two following weblogs are my friend's Zahra. The first one is in English which is one year old and the second one is persian which has been in existence :P for some years and is powerful in the field on neuroscience :

And this one is just mine :D which is written in Persian language:

Check them out !

Friday, October 1, 2010


Here we go with another workshop presented in  Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran, Iran.

if the picture is not clear check it with better quality here.
The workshop is held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 11, 12, 13 October in the institute. The teacher is coming from India , the University of Allahabad.
For further information contact the institute.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Again there is a going to be held work shop in Oct 5, 12, 19 from 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. in the Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran, Iran.

this is the announcement
and you can also find it here.
All people are allowed to join the workshop. One has to pay the 1 million Rials (equivalent to around 100 Dollars) fee to be able to participate in the program. The money has to be paid to Saman Bank, Fatemi branch under the name of Institute for Coginitive Science Studies.
The deadline is Sep 29, 2010.
The Institute's students , the Institute's members and other students have discount for 10% to 20 %.
Call +98-021-88802065 for further information

submitting articles

If you are really interested in the field of neuroscience and you have worked on it or you have some helpful and new ideas that you think can be a good start in this field this is good opportunity !!
The following is an announcement to inform all enthusiastic people to participate in the program :
the link for a better look is also available here :)  :
an International Conference of Cognitive Science