

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Again there is a going to be held work shop in Oct 5, 12, 19 from 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. in the Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran, Iran.

this is the announcement
and you can also find it here.
All people are allowed to join the workshop. One has to pay the 1 million Rials (equivalent to around 100 Dollars) fee to be able to participate in the program. The money has to be paid to Saman Bank, Fatemi branch under the name of Institute for Coginitive Science Studies.
The deadline is Sep 29, 2010.
The Institute's students , the Institute's members and other students have discount for 10% to 20 %.
Call +98-021-88802065 for further information

submitting articles

If you are really interested in the field of neuroscience and you have worked on it or you have some helpful and new ideas that you think can be a good start in this field this is good opportunity !!
The following is an announcement to inform all enthusiastic people to participate in the program :
the link for a better look is also available here :)  :
an International Conference of Cognitive Science


While searching for new seminars about neuroscience and brain I found this really interesting announcement in Institute for Cognitive Sciences Studies :
I strongly recommend it to all those who are interested in brain :-) As you can see in the picture above more informtion about the lecturer in this conference is as following:
Director Research Unit
Director Mind, Brain Imaging and Neuroethics
Canada Research Chair, University of Ottawa
The Michael Smith Chair, ELJB-CIHR
Royal Ottawa Healthcare Group
University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research

Sunday, September 26, 2010

how we know what we know

he The book introduced below, is the one I am studying and translating nowadays. I strongly recommend it to those who are really fascinated by this amazing world of brain. It talks about cognitive neuroscience form its basic fundamentals. The secod edition was published in January 2010 so it's brand new!!

you can find extra information about the book and its contents here.
And you can read the first chapter of the book here.

I have translated the first chapter of the book to Persina and it's available in the following link:
I hope you'll like the book.

the creation of my blog

Soon after starting blogging in persian and using my own blog to talk about my feelings and interests in different fields and stages in my life, I understood that I should have made an English blog which is only related to one of my interests , something that I really love and that is brain.
So today the right time arrived and I am making this weblog to talk about neuroscience and cognitive science. To give and receive information in this field.
You can also refer to my previous blog (which is written in Persain language) to read about my background knowledge in this field.
I hope this can be useful and I can learn from all enthusiastic people out there!